Like our ‘save the date’ cards, we also made all our wedding stationery. There was an invitation, a booklet of wedding details, a RSVP postcard, and a gift envelope. Everything was tied up together with red and white string with a tiny brown luggage tag onto which I hand-stamped our RSVP date.
I’m one of those people (I hope there are others out there!) who knows in my mind what I want something to look like, but don’t always know how to translate that into reality. So although here you can see lovely photos of the finished invitation set, it took a lot of attempts to get them ‘right’.
All these beautiful photos are taken by the fab man who snapped our wedding photos – Mark Tattersall.
Full details on how we made them to follow shortly! And would love to know your thoughts – anyone else as much a fan of brown card as I am?
Check back tomorrow for Part 1 of the ‘do it yourself’ series!
Images: Mark Tattersall Photography
Categories: Planning
Tags: bunting > butchers string > eco wedding > luggage tag > our wedding > postcard > raffia > rustic > wedding invitations > wedding stationery
partiesbykristen on 27. June, 2011
These are great! I love DIY wedding items and these are definitely tops.
Charlotte Hewson on 8. July, 2011
I’ve just come across your wedding on Love My Dress. Your whole wedding looks wonderful but your stationery is especially beautiful!
CharlieB on 12. July, 2011
Hi Charlotte, thanks for the lovely message, I’m so overwhelmed by the positive response to our wedding photos, and my handmade wedding stationery 🙂 xXx
Nicky Dent on 8. July, 2011
Just seen your wedding on Love My Dress Blog. Congratulations on achieving such a fabulous and beautiful wedding. ps I love the hand made invitations!! x
CharlieB on 12. July, 2011
It’s so lovely to meet new readers who’ve found me via LMD – really nice to hear you liked what we did xXx
Lisa on 12. July, 2011
LOVED the photos of your wedding on LMD and spent a happy hour on Sunday reading your write up on how to make your wedding stationary. You’ve inspired me!
CharlieB on 22. July, 2011
Hi Lisa, it’s really lovely to hear that our wedding invitations have inspired people, I really hope that I’ll get to see some of what other people have made in the future x
Charley W on 17. July, 2011
Hi! My name is also Charley and I found your wedding info on lovemydress.net which is such an awesome website. Thank you for such beautiful inspiration. My fiance Dan and I are going to have a Kentish countryside wedding next summer (2012) and not only do we aim for it to be personal and natural we also don’t want to spend unecessary cash on strange posh wedding things that mean nothing to us.
I haven’t long been researching what ‘wedding’ really means for those who are preparing the day so finding your site really made me feel relieved that weddings can be done like this – exactly how I hoped but couldn’t quite visualise!
This will be so helpful to show my Mum as I have been trying to explain to her too.
I look forward to reading about your stationary which is also really beautiful.
All the best to you and thankyou!
Charley W x
CharlieB on 22. July, 2011
Hi Charley, seems to be lots of girls called Charlie/Charley/Charlotte who want to plan a handmade/rustic/natural wedding – I love it 🙂 I really hope that my website and blog can provide you with some inspiration and ideas, and perhaps some suppliers for your wedding. I think it’s so important that couples don’t feel bulldozed or pressured to buy/incorporate things into their wedding that they feel they should. Your day will be really wonderful if you just do it they way you want, with what you want. Do keep in touch xXx
freckles on 23. August, 2011
Hi, I love your stationery! Very well done 🙂
I was wondering though, what sort of envelopes did you send these in? And did you send the info with the invites?
Also, sorry to be a pest but could you point me in the direction of a pic of your order of service (as they were blurred out prior to your wedding) if you have one? I’d love to see them
Thanks for your great blog! x
CharlieB on 29. August, 2011
Hi there, so pleased you love our stationery 🙂 The envelopes were brown C5 envelopes to match the invites, I can’t remember exactly where we got them, but it would either have been Paperchase or eco-craft.co.uk – certainly you can buy something similar from both of those places. We sent the info out with the invitations, tied up in a bundle as shown with the red and white string. I haven’t posted pics of our order of service yet, but will be really shortly xXx
Samantha White on 5. September, 2011
Beautiful invitations! How did you create these please? Are they rubber stamps? 🙂
CharlieB on 6. September, 2011
Hi Samantha, they’re not stamps altho I did really want to make/get made a custom stamp. I wrote a full ‘how to’, which is in 4 parts, so here’s the link to part 4 – you will find links to parts 1, 2 & 3 at the bottom http://thenaturalweddingcompany.wordpress.com/2011/07/01/do-it-yourself-rustic-handmade-wedding-stationery-part-4/. Any questions do email me x
downer on 21. September, 2011
Wow, i really love your invites! Id love to try and use the main invite and i don’t suppose you’d mind sharing your template with me?
If you dont mind my email is sophie.downer@hotmaill.co.uk
Thank you!
Anna on 27. September, 2011
I too have read your blog and love your beautiful stationary and now feel I can give it a go myself!!
I tried the link above for the invites ‘how to’ but it came up with an error message… please could you provide a link for the how to and/or email me a template direct (and save the date template)? I’m glad you see it as a touching compliment that people are asking you for details!
I don’t know what your day job is but you should go into business!
freckles on 17. October, 2011
Hi Charlie, i don’t think the link to section 4 is working, or section 4 has disappeared! I was just looking to show a work colleague who loooves bunnies and id remembered yours had rabbits on? x
Stacy on 7. January, 2013
Hi Charlie,
The link above to the other parts of your blog on how you made your invitations didn’t take me to part 4 and I’m really struggling to find any of it other than part 1. Could you tell me where abouts to find it please? I tried going through all the posts in ‘our wedding’ but couldn’t see it. Thanks.
CharlieB on 7. January, 2013
Hi Stacy, apologies that you weren’t able to find it – I have temporarily removed parts 2-4 but I can email them to you xXx
Partecipazioni di nozze: i trend per il 2013 on 9. January, 2013
[…] Etsy, Rustic Wedding Chic, Tumblr, The Natural Wedding Company […]
Rebecca on 11. January, 2013
Hi Charlie,
I also am interested in a template and instructions on how to create similar invitations if you have it. You can reach me at rebtstevens@gmail.com
Emily on 17. January, 2013
Hi Charlie,
Believe me I have searched and searched for good invitaton ideas….then i came across this. This is exactly what i’d like to recreate. I know you get asked this all the time but I would also be interested in a template and instructions on how to create similar invitations if you have it.
CharlieB on 17. January, 2013
Hi Emily, thanks for your lovely message I’m so pleased to hear you’ve found an idea you like 🙂 I don’t have a template for the invitations (only my save the dates), but will email you about the other ‘how to’ guides. Best wishes, Charlie x
Sarah M on 21. January, 2013
Hi Charlie, I too fell in love with your wedding! The ‘Bramley Hedge’ feel is exactly what I was hoping to create but I’m not very good at putting ideas into words. When I found your blog I knew that it would be possible to create the day I had been hoping for. Thank you. Would it be possible to email me the ‘how to’ guides and any other relevant information for the make your own invites please (sarahmarshall21@hotmail.com). Many thanks in advance! Sarah x
CharlieB on 22. January, 2013
Hi Sarah M, thanks so much for your lovely message and kind words about our wedding 🙂 Of course I can send you my full ‘how to’ guides for my wedding invitations, I hope they will be of help xXx
Georga on 24. January, 2013
Hi there- I am so in love with your wedding! I don’t suppose you could also send me the ‘how to’ guide please?
Thank you so much xx
CharlieB on 24. January, 2013
Hi Georga, thanks so much for your kind words about our wedding 🙂 It’s lovely to think it’s still providing inspiration for brides-to-be. I’ll be in touch by email about my full ‘how to’ guides for my wedding stationery xXx
Handmade weddings: our invitations | The Swan's Nest on 24. February, 2013
[…] Clockwise from the top left:The Natural Wedding Company […]
Keeley on 1. April, 2013
Hi. Your invitations and save the dates are fabulous! Do you have templates/how to make guides for them?
CharlieB on 2. April, 2013
Hi Keeley, thanks for your message – I have a template for my ‘save the dates’ and ‘how to’ guides for the invitations, do let me know if you would like either or both of those and I’ll email them to you xXx
Sarah on 6. April, 2013
Hello there
I absolutely love these 🙂 I am going for a similar idea for my invitations and i was wondering what weight of card did u go for 170g or 280g?
did whichever you use just print through a normal printer?
Thank you xox
CharlieB on 7. April, 2013
Hi Sarah, we used 280gsm for the invitations and 170gsm for the wedding details booklet. We have an HP printer and it worked fine – I ordered a selection of thicknesses of card and trialled them out to see what worked before ordering. I would definitely recommend trying out the card through your printer before ordering it all xXx
Ciara on 14. May, 2013
Hi Charlie,
These are just fabulous! We are having our wedding in Germany this autumn… and will need to do invites in Deutsch and English (yikes). I am absolutely in love with your invitations. Could you email me the instructions/how to guides? Loving this blog.
CharlieB on 17. May, 2013
Hi Ciara, gosh you will be busy doing invites in both Deutsch and English! So pleased you like the ones I made for our wedding, I’ll email you the rest of the ‘how to’ guides asap xXx
Naomi on 3. June, 2013
Hi Charlie. I’ve searched the Internet for examples of invitations that I love but none have come close (Including professionally made ones) to being as lovely as yours. I’ve tried to find the links to all the tutorials but without success. Would you be able to email them to me? Many thanks in advance for this and all the inspiration I’ve already had from your blog!
CharlieB on 4. June, 2013
Hi Naomi, thank you so much for your lovely words about my invitations 🙂 It’s made my day! I’ve temporarily taken down some of the guides but I’ll drop you an email with details xXx
Heather on 6. June, 2013
I absolutely love your invites and all the ideas on TNWC. I have recently got engaged and am determined to have a handmade wedding. I would love details on how to make these invites and save the dates. Thanks in advance and congrats on an amazing blog x
CharlieB on 7. June, 2013
Hi Heather, it’s so nice to hear from you and I’m so pleased you like my wedding stationery 🙂 I’ll be in touch by email about both things xXx
ClareP on 18. September, 2013
Hi Charlie
Another admirer here. Absolutely gorgeous. Looks amazing, just what I am after and the fact that it’s all handmade and home made – perfect.
I’d also love the template for the ‘save the dates’ and ‘how to’ guides for the invitations if you still don’t mind sharing? Thanks so much x
CharlieB on 18. September, 2013
Hi ClareP, lovely to hear from you and so pleased you like our wedding stationery 🙂 We’ll be in touch by email about the save the date template and ‘how to’ guides xXx
CamillaM on 3. November, 2013
Hi Charlie,
Your invitations are absolutely lovely! I’d love the ‘how to’ guide for them if possible?
Thank you!
CharlieB on 5. November, 2013
Hi Camilla M, thanks for getting in touch and it’s lovely to hear you like my invitations 🙂 I’ll be in touch by email xXx
Rachel on 18. November, 2013
Hi Charlie – I really love your invitation ideas with brown paper. Please can you email me your ‘How to…’ guides, if it’s not too much trouble? I love the idea of making my own handmade invitations but don’t have a creative bone in my body! 🙂 Think your ideas are gorgeous and it’s very lovely of you to share them with us – thank you!
CharlieB on 19. November, 2013
Hi Rachel, so nice to hear you like our invitations as well as our save the dates 🙂 I’ll be in touch by email xXx
Rebecca on 9. December, 2013
Hi Charlie,
You emailed me you save the date template back in June and they came out great. Everyone loved them 🙂
I would love to have the ‘How to guide’ for the invites please. I’ve looked all over the internet and these are still my favourite. Thank you for your help. Xx
CharlieB on 14. December, 2013
Hi Rebecca it’s lovely to hear from you again – I’d love to see a picture of the save the dates you made 🙂 I will email you about my stationery guides xXx
Ros on 4. January, 2014
I really love your invitations and would like to design something similar myself. I’d be really grateful of you could send me the how to please?
Many thanks.
CharlieB on 4. January, 2014
Hi Ros, thanks for your message and I’m so pleased you like my idea – I’ll email you about the rest of my how to guides xXx
Anna p on 14. January, 2014
I’ve been looking for a rustic homemade invite and yours are perfect. It is exactly the feel I’ve been looking to create for our wedding later this year, but have been struggling to find something until I saw your blog!!!
I’d love to recreate something similar and would really appreciate it if you could send me any of your how to guides. I’ve been searching on you blog but haven’t been able to find the other parts. It would also be really interesting to see your order of service if possible.
Many thanks
CharlieB on 16. January, 2014
Hi Anna P, thank you for your lovely message and I’m so pleased that you like my design enough to want to make something similar 🙂 I’ll email you about my other ‘how to’ guides as they aren’t currently all available on online. Here’s the link to what I’ve shared about my order of service https://thenaturalweddingcompany.co.uk/blog/2011/10/the-order-of-service-for-our-rustic-country-wedding/ xXx
Tash on 16. January, 2014
Hi Charlie, I can’t seem to find the ‘how to’ steps for your beautiful invitations. Would it be possible for you to e-mail me the details? Thank you!
CharlieB on 16. January, 2014
Hi Tash, thanks for getting in touch and I’ll email you about my stationery guides xXx
Kwilko on 31. March, 2014
thank you for posting this wonderful tutorial, these are exactly what i have been looking for!
you’re a lifesaver!
I would be so grateful if you could email the templates to me also? (specifically the save the dates but invitations too would be great!)
Many thanks!
CharlieB on 2. April, 2014
Hi Kwilko, thanks for your message and so pleased you like my wedding stationery 🙂 I’ll email you about my ‘how to’ guides for the invite, and the template for the save the dates – I don’t have a template for the invitations xXx
Sarah on 12. July, 2014
We are trying to do as much as possible ourselves for our wedding and absolutely love your wedding invitations. If you wouldn’t mind it would be great if you could email me the ‘how to’ instructions and template
Thank you for the inspiration!!
CharlieB on 12. July, 2014
Hi Sarah, thanks for your lovely comment, I will email you about my other ‘how to’ guides, but unfortunately I don’t have a template for the invitations to share. Best wishes, Charlie xXx
Frances on 18. January, 2015
Hi Charlie
Lovely invites! Could you possibly email me part 1-4 of the how to?
Jenny on 18. April, 2015
Hi Charlie, I came across your invitations and would absolutely love it if you would send me the instructions please. they really are beautiful 🙂
Congratulations also on your marriage and stunning wedding. Jenny x
Kara on 18. May, 2015
Hi Charlie, I LOVE these invites and am having a tough time figuring my own out. Is there anyway you could email me the “how to” guide to make them?
Michelle on 19. May, 2015
Hi Charlie,
Absolutely gorgeous invites! In looking for ideas for my own wedding I came across this page adnd fell in love… Especially with the info cards. I see I’m past comments that you have some ‘how to’ guides and if possible I was wondering if you might be willing to email those to me. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration!
Michelle <3
Deborah on 4. July, 2015
Please can u send me the guide too, I love ur invite also if possible the rsvp template.
Thank you so much
Lowri on 18. August, 2015
Hi Charlie,
Please could you send me the rest of the instructions of how to do the invitations? They’re just what I’m looking for! Thank you.
Nicole on 5. December, 2015
Hi Charlie,
I too love these invites, would also be grateful for the full how to guide to recreate them.
Thank u again so much for your inspiration.
Jennifer M on 15. December, 2015
Hi Charlie! A D-I-Y wedding girl here and I just finished my homemade save-the-dates and need to start figuring out my invites and I love yours! Can you email me a template or more pictures please?
Anna on 19. December, 2015
Hi Charlie,
Please can you send me your how to guides on the wedding invitations?
Many thanks,
Jen on 24. December, 2015
Hi Charlie,
Your invitations are gorgeous!! I have done a similar version of your save the date cards already, with different fonts and wording but the same general layout, and I also love the invitations. I can’t find the information you posted on it before but I see you took it down temporarily. Would it be possible to email me a link? Or if you have reposted could you point me in the right direction. Hope you don’t mind, I just haven’t seen anything else as awesome as this!
Heather on 1. August, 2016
Hello I was wondering would it be possible if you could send me a copy of your how to guides for your invitations. I am looking to make something similar for a booklet for my wedding details and this is the best I have seen.
Thank you
Stevee on 28. November, 2016
Hi Charlie,
I love this idea and would love a template on how to do the booklet as my family doesn’t live here, so the detail booklet would be perfect!
Thank you,
Madara on 17. December, 2017
Hi Charlie,
I am looking for a similar booklet for my wedding. Would you be able to forward me the details?
Many thanks!
Rachel on 8. May, 2018
I am looking for something like this for my invitations, could you please email me the details. Thank you!